To captivate potential customers and make them interested in your product or service, you need to impress them from their very first interaction with your presentation website. At Divas Web Design, we ensure that the first impression is truly remarkable!
Dezvoltăm și furnizăm servicii profesionale de web design și web development, care vor lansa brand-ul tău în topul celor mai apreciate din domeniu.
Ne focusăm pe creșterea conversiilor și câștigarea angajamentului clienților, prin crearea produselor utile care reflectă personalitatea brandului.

Munca noastră se centrează pe cele mai noi tendințe UX/UI și garantează experiența pozitivă utilizatorilor. Creăm site-uri perfect funcționale, optimizate SEO, care convertesc și asigură vizibilitatea de care ai nevoie.
UX, or User Experience, is the functional component that guarantees intuitive navigation, a relevant layout, and seamless usability across all devices (laptops, phones, or tablets). Through thorough research, analysis, and testing, we construct your business website to meet the needs and desires of your users.

UI, or User Interface, is the aesthetic component that entails defining the visual appearance and identity of your website in a way that resonates with the end user. We prioritize simplicity and originality, seamlessly translating your brand’s essence into an impeccable website!
By choosing Divas Web Design, you gain a unique, representative, and flawlessly functional presentation website that sets you apart in the business world.
support your business growth in the online realm.
- Conduct in-depth client interviews for analysis
- Perform a comprehensive UX/UI audit
- Generate a distinctive concept for your website
- Design the structural wireframe
- Prototype and refine the user interface
- Craft visually appealing UI designs
- Set clear goals and expectations
- Conduct thorough competitor analysis
- Define precise customer profiles
- Develop a well-crafted strategy
- Launch your website and evaluate its functionality
- Optimize performance for a seamless user experience
- Conduct A/B testing to refine and improve the website's effectiveness
- Interviuri de analiză cu clientul
- Audit de UX/UI
- Setarea obiectivelor și așteptărilor
- Analiza concurenței
- Definirea profilului de client
- Dezvoltarea strategiei
- Crearea unui concept unic
- Dezvoltarea structurii (wireframe)
- Prototipare
- UI design
- Lansarea și evaluarea funcționalității
- Optimizare performanței
- Testare A/B
of your project.
Make a lasting impression with a cohesive and professional image.